It is very important for the health of your eyes to know the correct prescription of your glasses, so we will present the main ones glasses apps, Virtual glasses tests are interactive and free, through these applications, we can create looks that match the shape of the glasses.
To test the best shape for your face, you need to download the apps and try on the glasses!
4 glasses apps to test your prescription!
The prescription of glasses can affect the health of your eyes, so it is essential to be careful and seek the help of a specialist. We can also try different models of glasses applications, as we will show below:
1st YouCam Makeup
With YouCam Makeup (For Android and iOS), we can test different models of glasses, we can test frames with the live camera, the results are extremely realistic, there are also other features such as makeup and retouching.
2nd Warby Parker
Through Warby Parker (For iOS), you can choose designer glasses. This application is free and provides realistic images, including glasses and sunglasses. You can also try on contact lenses. This platform donates glasses to those in need.
3rd Ideofit
Thanks to Ideofit (For Android and iOS), we have the possibility to test glasses virtually, there is no need to take photos to do the test, with the application, we can try the appearance before buying, it is allowed to share selfies and videos on social networks.
4th GlassOn
GlassOn (For Android & iOS), has advanced AR technology, we can develop customized glasses, also allowed: base style, change color and add stickers and effects, with live camera, you can apply new frame.
It is important to take care of the health of our eyes, after all, the human body is one, formed by a set of cells and systems, the eyes can also affect other regions of our body, for example, if the eyes are yellow, it could be a sign of jaundice and hepatitis.
Therefore, make regular appointments with an ophthalmologist. However, the optometrist performs the primary assessment of our vision health. The subdivisions for the ophthalmologist are: pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, glaucoma, ocular plastic surgery. Only use glasses with the prescription indicated by the doctor.
Therefore, glasses applications help to keep your eyes healthy, however, it is essential to have the help of a specialist, especially if your vision is blurred or foggy.
However, we must also remember the importance of avoiding self-medication, only use medications recommended by your doctor!